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"Gave That Problem To GOD" Bishop GE Patterson - YouTube | My Faith in

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When i Think Of The goodness Of Jesus - Bishop GE Patterson - YouTube

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When i Think Of The goodness Of Jesus - Bishop GE Patterson - YouTube

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Bishop GE Patterson PReaching 'Lord, Open Our Eyes' - YouTube
Bishop GE Patterson sermons - YouTube

Bishop GE Patterson sermons - YouTube

"Gave That Problem To GOD" Bishop GE Patterson - YouTube | My Faith in

"Gave That Problem To GOD" Bishop GE Patterson - YouTube | My Faith in

Divine Worship-Sermon from Bishop GE Patterson (Psalm 150) - YouTube

Divine Worship-Sermon from Bishop GE Patterson (Psalm 150) - YouTube

Bishop G.E. Patterson Live! Sermons & Singing 1939 - 2007: The Life

Bishop G.E. Patterson Live! Sermons & Singing 1939 - 2007: The Life

G E Patterson | The New Birth intro | Sermons.jesus - YouTube

G E Patterson | The New Birth intro | Sermons.jesus - YouTube

Bishop GE Patterson Salvation is An Inside Job | Inside job, Patterson

Bishop GE Patterson Salvation is An Inside Job | Inside job, Patterson

One of my favorite sermons of Bishop GE Patterson The Dawn of a New Day

One of my favorite sermons of Bishop GE Patterson The Dawn of a New Day

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